
熊凯 Xiong Kai

PhD student in computer vision

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)


I am a first-year Ph.D. candidate in Machine Vision and Intelligence Group (MVIG) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), under the supervision of Prof. Cewu Lu. Before that, I received my master’s degree at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), under the supervision of Prof. Junwei Han. My research interests mainly include image recognition and point-cloud understanding. 😆

  • Machine Learning
  • Image Recognition
  • 3D Point-level Understanding
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2021.4 - now

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • Master in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, 2015.9 - 2018.4

    Northwestern Polytechnical University

  • Bachelor in Automation, 2011.9 - 2015.7

    Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

Latest news

  • 2021/4: I come back campus from a company, becoming a PhD student in SJTU!


Algorithm Engineer
CVTE Research
May 2018 – March 2021 Guangzhou

Projects include:

  • Few-shot learning
  • Face recognition & clustering
  • License plate recognition
Master student
Northwestern Polytechnical University
September 2015 – April 2018 Xi'an
Mainly focus on machine learning topics including graph-based dimensionality reduction and clustering.

